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Project "Youth with Social Initiatives" in Willemstad, Curacao


An Erasmus+ youth exchange "Youth with Social Initiatives" took place on 29 November-10 December 2017 in Curacao

The youth exchange "Youth with social initiatives’’ took place from 30th of November to 9th of December in beautiful Willemstad, Curacao. The project was granted by the Dutch National Agency Erasmus +, and the 5 partner organisations from Curacao, Georgia, Serbia, Martinique and Greece implemented successfully.

Enthusiastic and open minded youngsters from the countries mentioned above gathered up to learn, share and exchange their experiences and ideas about Social entrepreneurship. It was a nine days programme full of excitement, new experiences and new ideas.

"We got to know each other through name games, ice breakers and team building activities. And as in every exchange we had to express our fears and expectations about the programme. Using different tools and methods we explored social entrepreneurship, funding opportunities, techniques for the project management and we brainstormed ideas about social enterprises. We improved our presentation skills and learned how to communicate and cooperate better with others. We explored and found reasons and solutions for social problems that concerned socially excluded groups and people".

Participants had a chance to try themselves in a competition for start ups where they practiced and used all the knowledge they gained during the exchange. Since there were different cultures gathered together, we had to get to know each other's cultures better. We had intercultural nights where we learned dances, songs and other facts about different cultures.

As a group we acquired a few new skills, such as coming up with catchy rhymes, and Nikola, one of the participants thought of the moto that shows the spirit of the exchange “Cultural diversity is our University.”

This exchange was a life changing experience and the most beautiful part of the program was learning how to compensate for each others deficiencies.

Report by the participants

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