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Project “Communication Changes Communities” in Bulgaria


An Erasmus+ Youth Exchange “Communication Changes Communities” took place on 1-8 June 2019 in Kranevo, Bulgaria

Youth exchange "Communication Changes Communities" gathered 36 participants from Bulgaria, Italy, Georgia, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey for 8 days unforgettable experience.

The project aimed to develop innovative approaches considering developing competences for sustainable democratic societies through youth exchange and taking action in different societies and cultures. This project was oriented towards developing intercultural competences through improving communication and collaboration as the key competences for the 21st century.

During the youth exchange, we, the participants:

- Explored the concept of communication and understood an importance of communication as the competence for 21st century;

- Understood communication as joint construction of meaning including language as well as nonverbal behaviour (use of sounds (paralanguage), movements (kinesis), space (proxemics), and time (chronemics));

- Understood different cultural patterns in Europe and found the best solution for intercultural communication in a multicultural group;

- Practiced communication skills through developing cooperation as one of the competences for the 21st century;

- Learnt more about non-formal education and the Erasmus+ Programme as a support tool for developing intercultural competences;

- Raised awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries.

The methodology used during our project weree non formal and informal including the formal evaluation on the last day of YE as well as a formal Final Report. This YE included role plays, small group discussions and other non-formal methodology strategies which supported active involvement of all the participants.

Project report by participants.

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