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About us

InoChange is a non-governmental organization, based in Tbilisi, Georgia on April 22, 2015.  InoChange is run by young people, former EVS/ESC volunteers and former YiA project coordinators with the rich experience of working in the frame of YiA/Erasmus+ Programme. To achieve our Mission (see below), we use methods of non-formal and informal education, actively involve volunteers in our initiatives and effectively cooperate with local and international funds and organizations. 


Our Target


Our door is open to all young people, though our main target is youngsters aged 14-30 including youth with fewer opportunities.


Our Activities 


   International Youth Exchanges 

In the frame of Erasmus+ programme we actively organize and participate in youth exchanges in Georgia, Europe and overseas (Caribbean, Melanesian, Micronesian islands). 


   International Training Courses 

In the frame of the Erasmus+ programme we host and participate in training courses in Georgia and abroad. 


   European Solidarity Corps (ESC)

We are sending ESC volunteers from Georgia to various European countries (Accreditation No: 2019-1-PL01-ESC52-078033). 


   Capacity Building Trainings 

On the most problematic subjects with the help of local youngsters and volunteers we organize capacity building training courses on various subjects such as gender equality, violence against women, climate change and others. 


    Other Local initiatives 

We supports realization of the initiatives offered by local youngsters. Such as conducting capacity building activities for regional youth, running online educational initiative - InoWeek and etc. 


If you would like to COOPERATE WITH US, please find our updated Partnership Identification Form (PIF) here ;  Organizational ID: E10114172;    PIC:928446947 



Strategic Directions of the Youth Policy & Sustainable Development Goals


Through our work at local and international levels, InoChange contributes reaching all four strategic directions of The Georgian National Youth Policy:

  • ​Participation

  • Education, employment and mobility

  • Health

  • Special support and protection



Our Mission, Vision and activities also strongly aligns with the SDGs. InoChange activities specifically targets the following SDGs: 










More than 500 direct beneficiaries within 5 years

Our Mission

Empowering and equipping young people with competencies (knowledge, skills and attitudes) to realize their full potentials

Our Mission

Our Vision

InoChange envisions a world where all young people are equipped to achieve sustainable livelihoods and to bring positive impact in their communities

Our Values


Inclusion - We are committed to create an environment that is inclusive of all, where all can be themselves and feel empowered to succeed;


Diversity – We believe that by embracing cross-cultural diversity and actively including a variety of people, ideas, backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences, we can bring better impact.


Engagement - We believe that young people are essential team-players and true impact comes by actively involving them in transforming their communities


Lifelong learning – We believe in constant personal and professional growth  for reaching/realizing one's full potential;


Partnership – We believe in trustworthy cross-border and cross-sectoral collaboration and cooperation to bring together a change that matters.


"You cannot dream yourself into a character;

you must hammer and forge yourself one"


Henry David Thoreau

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