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Project "Rainbow Effect" in Sainte Suzanne, La Reunion Island


An Erasmus+ youth exchange Rainbow Effect" took place on February 21-28, 2018 in La Reunion

The youth exchange “Rainbow Effect”’ took place from February 21 to 28, 2018 in a beautiful Island Reunion. The project financially was supported by the Erasmus+ Programme, National Agency of France. Enthusiastic and open-minded youngsters from Reunion, Greece and Georgia gathered up to learn, explore and exchange their experiences about multiculturalism, intercultural learning and diversity.

During the project through playing creative name-games we got to know each other and learnt many things which we have in common. Surprisingly, despite of differences in our religion, ethnicity, color, and many other, we found out to be very similar of each-other, having common interest and values in life. Through building our expectations tree we also shared with each-other expectations, hopes and fears, luckily all the expectations were fulfilled and all the fears forgotten on a beautiful, sunny, most multicultural and tolerant place we lived together during 8 days.

Learning about Erasmus+ Programme opened our minds and broadened our world – some of us inspired and motivated are planning to further participate in Erasmus+ projects, to do voluntary job under the program and write and implement other youth exchanges so as to give our friends and peers possibility of exploring the richness of world and cultures.

Through different creative simulation activities, we explored the roots of stereotypes and how it leads to discrimination, which probably all of us experienced at least once in our lives. We started to appreciate diversity in all terms more and more after reflecting on our own experiences of being discriminated. We explored that representatives of very different cultures may have different ways of talking and different behavior patterns, but many of our most basic needs and interests are similar. We also discovered that, in many ways, people from different backgrounds and cultures hold similar values and beliefs. Through visiting local families, we broadened understanding of local culture, traditions and ordinary lifestyle – this was the most amazing part of the project as we had an opportunity to see, touch, practice, implement in practice everything what we have learnt during previous days in project.

Working as a team together to produce international legends book and other materials, such as videos, flyer and report, was a big pleasure. We hope after lsharing these materials, other youth from around the globe will get motivated to participate in similar projects and promote peace and tolerance around the world.

Lastly, many thanks to Erasmus+ for financing this project, thanks to each organizer of this youth exchange, each amazing participants and local youth of reunion who did their best to share their culture with us by creative presentations, dances, games, music and many other they have done for us to make our stay on a beautiful island UNFORGETTABLE.

Report by the participants

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