An Erasmus+ Youth Exchange took place on 7-14 October, 2015 in Magocs, Hungary
An international Youth Exchange "Test the Best, Share to the Rest" took place from 7th to 14th of October in Magocs, Hungary. The project was financed by European Commission , under Erasmus plus programme. In the project were involved 4 countries. Hosting organisation Fiatalok a Mágocsi Közéletért from Hungary, InoChange from Georgia, A.P.S. Ambrose/COmpagnia from Italy and EUROCALETA from Spain.
During the 7 days program the facilitators and participants created a space for sharing, improving and for gaining new knowledge and skills with regards to health, sports, social inclusion and generally about healthy lifestyle. Through different Non-Formal activities participants got a chance to learn more about the topic of the project, work in international mixed group, share their knowledge and find out more about different cultural, traditions and life styles.
In the project participants organised a flash-mob in the city of Pecs and it was linked to raise awareness of people about social exclusion/inclusion, which was met by local community with a big interest. On the last day all participants got a YouthPass Certificates and had a farewell party, where all of us promised each other to develop new ideas for project and meet again in 2016. InoChange is thankful to all participants and especially to the team leaders to make this project so successful.