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Training Course "OPEN MINDED" in Slovakia


Updated: May 28, 2020

An Erasmus+ Training Course took place on 14-22 July 2016 in Cingov-Smizany, Slovakia .

The training course called “Open Minded” was held from 14th to 22th of July in Cingov – Smizany, Spisska Nova Ves, Slovak Republic. Project was granted by Erasmus+ program. The project was hosted by YEES N.O., and implemented in cooperation with Pi Youth Association – Turkey and Iuventa – Serbia and InoChange – Georgia and Risorsa Europa – Italy and Koz – Hungary and In-planet – Greece and Modern Youth Public Union – Azerbaijan. Three candidates represented each organization, which gathered together to acquire new skills, professional experiences and to discuss the topic about migration.

First day was dedicated to introduction of the general purpose of the project, as well as schedule and activities, facilitators helped us out to get to know each other better through diverse games. Next day has begun with the presentation of the project objectives and particular task for the participants. Third day was dedicated to team building activities through city game. Second half of this day was paid on presentation about migration and country profiles, participants gave detailed information about the migration processes and general trends in their home countries. Next day was filled up with tasks for the participants such as elaborating different approaches to global issues; later groups gave presentations on their work.

On the same day we had our first cultural night introducing Georgia, Greece and Azerbaijan. It was extremely joyful and interesting, participants were able to experience and discover customs, traditional food and drinks and information about other nations. For the next day participants had to present their organization through information sharing and power-point presentation, which was very useful in terms of exchanging social connections, many business cards and contact details have been shared for future cooperation between the members of the project. Next day we had Erasmus+ presentation and another cultural night, Hungary, Serbia, Turkey and Slovakia held introduced their nation and treat other participants with traditional food, drinks. Next day was the most interesting and exciting, participants had an opportunity to discover beautiful Slovakia and its nature. Youngsters hiked national park of Slovakia and mountains, also old castle and waterfall.

After hiking participants were able to share their reflections, impressions and thought about the project, also facilitators and organizers distributed Youtpasses among participants. To sum up, as a participant I am grateful for this opportunity that gave all of us a great social, cultural and professional experience. It was unforgettable week and we are all thankful for each partner organizations, especially I would like to thank to YEES that provided high quality project. Participants are staying in an active touch and are planning to journey in each other’s country for the nearest future.

Report by participant: Demna Devdariani

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