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Children camp "The Intercultural Citizen" in Borée and Paris, France


The children camp "The Intercultural Citizen" took place on 226 July- 7 August 2018 in France

The youth camp - "The Intercultural Citizen" with the support of the Association Education Jeunesse Aisne (EJ'N) took place in a beautiful France. The project was implemented in cooperation with five partner organizations from France, Germany, Georgia, Italy and Egypt.

The project helped participants to reflect on the following questions:

- How to promote the interconnection of young people?

- What is the meaning that young people can give to the notion of citizenship?

- What is an international citizenship?

- Can we be digital citizens?

These questions become objectives that we tried to answer in a different and creative ways.

Above all, living together, discovering and building projects together was an amazing experience. The success of the project was also guaranteed by the location of the project. The project took place in two places: in a very remote village (Borée in Ardèche) where the digital connection is almost non-existent and in an overcrowded and hyper-connected city: in Paris. The participants had an opportunity to find answers to above questions between the village of the south of France of 100 inhabitants and the Parisian city of 12 million inhabitants!

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